200 entries.
La volontàย di scegliere il vostro studio deriva proprio dalla passione, che in voi riscontro, di rendere lรขโฌโขarchitettura strumento di ricerca volto a indagare la realtàย , il passato storico ma allo stesso tempo in grado di costruire nuove visioni. In questa prospettiva, lavorare con voi rappresenterebbe per me unรขโฌโขenorme opportunitàย di accrescimento.
Certainly, Delisabatini office considers great no visual aspects of the projects, just as I could see on their works. A direct relationship with the context throught the addiction of elements to the scene or the enhancement of the space and its genius loci keeping mind the features of the materials.
From my point of view, they work with a great sensitivity to show the soul of the idea.
Hello DELISABATINI, my name is Lucia Trinidad Polito, I'm 24 years old and I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I like your jobs, and I'm very interested in working with you.
That's why I'm sending you my portfolio with a cover letter, a CV and a summary of work.
I'll be looking forward to hearing from you,
Thank you, Lucia.
Your work is a harmonic composition between form and function. There is a particular style, a personal touch which expresses simplicity and honesty of the architecture. Your projects value as well the existing context, creating altogether a piece of art. I find F. L. Wrights affirmation true about your projects: The good building is not one that hurts the landscape, but one which makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before the building was built.
I want to work in your company because I think you will benefit me both in terms of design and culturally.
I follow your projects closely. In general, I find your minimalist and industirial design concept very equivalent to my own design approach.
I am very impressed by your Loft project. Selection of materials and color palette reflects my design understanding.
I believe that I will take a big step in my career with your company.
I appreciate your works for the clarity of the topics elected as project's ordering principles and the ability to solve functional problems with solutions of great formal and spatial complexity.
Come urbanista condivido la tendenza, riconoscibile soprattutto nei progetti "Pieghe telluriche e "Parco attrezzato", nel rendere imprescindibile il dualismo tra paesaggio ed architettura allo scopo di restituire funzionalitàย e valore a luoghi con potenzialitàย latenti.
Un approccio progettuale chiaro, deciso e di forte personalitàย : un'architettura dalle forme pure e dalle linee pulite da cui traspare, ad ogni scala di progetto, una forte materialitàย e una grande attenzione posta alla cura dei dettagli e dei particolari.
Your work is a harmonic composition between form and function. There is a particular style, a personal touch which expresses simplicity and honesty of the architecture. Your projects value as well the existing context, creating altogether a piece of art. I find F. L. Wrightรขโฌโขs affirmation true about your projects: รขโฌลThe good building is not one that hurts the landscape, but one which makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before the building was built.รขโฌย
Ho scoperto lo studio DELISABATINI architetti dopo aver visionato il progetto per il concorso Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition.
La forma dell'Architettura ottenuta per sottrazione di materia riesce a organizzare gli ambienti interni come lo spazio pubblico concependo il Museo come luogo di incontro e dello stare.
I think your description of the competition is more like telling the information of your drawings , which is pretty obvious , it's better to explain why the shape took form ( Helsinki and seoul project), and i can see you guys use Rossi's typology very good
I looked into your projects and I find them really interesting. For me, architecture should make you feel like you understand everything then realize how deep it is. When I look into your website I feel that.
I believe I could get an opportunity to improve myself when I saw your designs. I really like your urban design and urban sitting place ideas. Your ideas will be valuable for me.
Besides your projects, I looked into your architectural staff. I would love to work with you as an intern.
Dear Sir/Madam
The reason I am writing this mail is to introduce myself and express my motivation for a summer internship.
My name is Aykut Yildiz and I am an Interior Architecture and Environment Design a senior student at Altinbas University in ISTANBUL. I completed my two different internships at the different company. First one was construction in ISTANBUL, the second one was design office in MIAMI.
I gained Erasmus Work Placement Program. Therefore, I would like to have
In my opinion, you have a very interesting balanced game of light and shadow in the projects and materials that allow you to correctly make this game. The space of the rooms immerses the human in a comfortable environment, since it is evident that the architecture is created with love.
Sono un giovane architetta spagnola, molto interessata al lavoro del vostro studio, alla ricchezza spaziale dei progetti sia all'interno che all'esterno. E soprattutto nel trattamento della luce che compone gli spazi.
Salve, trovo i vostri lavori molto interessanti e stimolanti, spero di collaborare in futuro con voi.
The first thing we see in your project is the simplicity of forms and materials.With purity of structure, the project is becoming stronger.Also, you manage to have very flexible interior spaces.Giving directions with light and dividing places by structural elements may seem extremely basic, yet it is still very smart and elegant solution.I may say, my design approach is matching with yours from most points.If we consider the not matching ones, those are the things which create variety in design.
I loved your material choices it shows how bold and strong the design itself as a mountain, and also the way you use the angles their is this interior that the door was in the middle of the corner and the wall was too thick it was a plucky idea. and the elevation in one of you designs the window was ascending from the inside to the outside this was the angle made me feel.
Architecture is a form of art, a way of expressing oneself, speaking volume without saying anything, giving personality to a piece of object or material and I believe that your company has really demonstrated the true understanding and meaning of architecture within your work as I have been following up with your projects for a period of time
My name is Glory Anya, a BSc(Hons) Architectural Technology and Practice student at the University of Derby England seeking an Internship with your company